Where are the best sunsets in Cancun?

Cancun; the city ​​of dreams, symbolic architecture, and indomitable beauties. Consequently, Cancun has a unique charm when it comes to sunsets because the range of colors projected in the sky has no equal. Therefore, the million-dollar question is: Where are the best sunsets in Cancun? Keep reading to find it out.

Nichupté Lagoon

The best sunsets in Cancun – Nichupté Lagoon

The Nichupté Lagoon has an area of ​​more than 3 thousand hectares in addition to crossing the Caribbean Sea through the Sigfrido and Nizuc canals. The sunsets here are amazing. You can enjoy them sitting on a bench in the Garden of Art with a typical handmade donut or on tour in the lagoon and enjoy the nature that surrounds it.

La Gran Rueda


La Gran Rueda, located in Plaza la Isla, offers you a majestic view of 60 meters high in a comfortable cabin. Not only will you see the beautiful Cancun sunsets, but you can also admire the turquoise Caribbean Sea and the surroundings of Cancun in one place. You will feel that the world spins at your feet!

Isla Blanca

The best sunsets in Cancun – Isla Blanca

Isla Blanca located on the northeastern tip of Quintana Roo, and it is a paradise! This place is worth visiting, swim into its crystal clear waters, and lie on the massive strip of white sand. But, we assure it becomes an entirely magic atmosphere when you see those orange tones with the sound of the waves and the aroma of salt. You cannot miss it!

A restaurant in the Hotel Zone

The best sunsets in Cancun – Restaurant in the Hotel Zone

In the Hotel Zone, some restaurants face the Nichutpé Lagoon, and that undoubtedly offers an incredible view of the landscape! You can enjoy a good meal, excellent service, and a magnificent sunset.

The small pleasures of life are what count. Enjoying a sunset in Cancun is one of them. So let the Mexican Caribbean and its sky pamper yourself. You will be stunned!



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