4th of July Party Ideas

The United States became the United States of America on the day the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776.

On this day it is typical to do patriotic activities, usually outdoors. Like camping, barbecues, beer, and fireworks with as much red, white, and blue as possible. All with ‘Star-Spangled Banner’, ‘Yankee Doodle’, and ‘God Bless America’ in the background.”

Children often want to be creative with their celebrations. Why not give them ways to keep them busy, while at the same time teaching them science, math, or art? Check out this great overview of fun and educational July 4th activities for kids and grown-ups alike!

1. Create fireworks in a jar

All you need is a jar, water, oil, and food coloring to watch those fireworks take off.

4th of July party ideas – Fireworks in a jar

2. Make a flag mosaic

Gather pieces of paper in red, white, and blue, and have your children create this beautiful flag mosaic.

3) Make stars out of twigs in the colors of the United States flag.

Get that fine motor skills by working with cutting, painting, gluing, and tying!

4. Making a flag

Work on letter patterns and recognition while creating an image of the American flag in any shape you want.

4th of July party ideas – Flag

5. Write a patriotic poem

This simple activity encourages children to think of patriotic adjectives to describe themselves!

6. Dye on flowers in the colors of the United States

One of our favorite July 4th activities, this one is coupled with a science experiment!

7.  Install a slide and slide. 

Let your guests know that towels and bathing suits are a must, and help children fight heat and burn energy with a slide or sprinkler in your garden. Be sure, this is an activity that will appeal to all ages. Laughter is guaranteed

La Gran Rueda Cancun wishes you a great 4th of July, enjoy every moment.



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